The Inventory Control Unit is a control unit established according to article 24 of the laws and procedures of the governmental warehouses issued by the Ministry of Finance. The Inventory Control Unit’s role lies in preserving the budget by maintaining constant control of the university’s properties, recording them, maintaining the documents, monitoring university’s main warehouse and university’s branches warehouses. In addition ,controlling the disbursement process from the main warehouse and branches warehouses.

 Organizational Chart:

Organizational Affiliation:     Related to the General Administration of Administrative and Financial Affairs.

General objective:    To reduce any waste or consumption of items in the stock.



  • Implementation of approved plans and programs.
  • Application of rules, regulations and instructions for monitoring and inventory processes on the stock.
  • Maintaining the corresponding item control cards to control the stock movement stock and registering everything related to inventory cards receipts in organized documents.
  •  Controlling the inventory card receipts at each administration or department at the university regarding permanent items that are disbursed to them as a permanent inventory. 
  •  Maintaining documents that containing receipts.
  •  Implementing all standard procedure to control  the stock movement via the dedicated cards.
  •  Making periodic reconciliations between item inventory cards and item control cards.
  •  Registering all items to be repaired, donated, sold or destroyed, according to periodic reports sent to the General Administration of Administrative and Financial Affairs.
  • Conducting required studies to determine the suitable warehousing levels and also to identify the economic amounts for storage to avoid cases of increase overstock or shortage in the stock.
  • Provide the relevant authorities with the necessary information in case of a shortage, loss or damage.

  • Conducting special examinations on the amount of stagnant and overstocked inventory and provide solutions.

  • Determining what is necessary regarding the storage or disbursement of items immediately after examination and acceptance.
  • Making monthly reconciliations between the actual balances of some items in the stock and recorded balances in the item control cards to check the validity of the restrictions.
  • Reducing the number of duplicated items by reviewing the description of materials in the stored items directory and updating the guide continuously.
  • Registering the amount of any overruns and shortages based on either the reports of the inventory committees or the reports of the General Auditing Bureau.
  • Reviewing the inventory reports and inventory balance reports, then writing annual report every financial  year.
  • Participating in providing the unit's human resources, equipment and materials requirements.
  • Participating in training the unit’s staff  and nominating them for suitable training programs.
  • Preparing periodic reports on the unit's activities, achievements and suggestions that would achieve better performance.
  • Any other related tasks assigned to it.

Inventory Control Unit Manager: Abdullah bin Faris Al-Anzi